Startups' Roundtable
Join me at the Startups' Roundtable, where I interview inspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders and innovators. Hear their stories and get insights into the world of startups, entrepreneurship and tech. Learn the strategies, tactics and tips they used to develop their businesses and get inspired to build something great. I hope you can join me.
Social Selling Framework: Building Relationships & Creating Value
July 26, 2023 • 6 MIN
Welcome to this podcast episode, where we delve into social selling. Building relationships and providing value to potential customers is crucial to creating a successful business in today's highly competitive environment. In this podcast episode, we will look at the social selling framework and explore proven strategies for building strong relationships and creating value that translates into increased revenue for your business. Whether you're just starting social selling or looking to take your efforts to the next level, this podcast episode has everything you need to know about understanding the social selling framework. So sit back, relax, and prepare for a discussion on one of today's digital age's most effective sales strategies. #b2b #sales #socialselling #relationshipbuilding #valuecreation #salesstrategy #digitalmarketing
Social Selling: Unleashing the Power of an Engaged Sales Rep
July 19, 2023 • 13 MIN
In this episode, we'll discuss how social selling's creative discipline requires more than AI tools and techniques. To be truly effective, it depends on having an engaged sales rep who understands how to build authentic connections with prospects and customers online. Tune in as we explore the importance of combining technology and human expertise for successful social selling results. #socialselling #salesrep #creativediscipline #AI #engagement #marketing #salesstrategy #digitalmarketing
Integrating Social Selling with Sales Strategy
July 12, 2023 • 21 MIN
In this episode, we explore companies' challenges when integrating social selling into their sales strategies. Despite its growing importance, many companies still struggle with making social selling a seamless part of their overall approach. Tune in to learn how to overcome obstacles and succeed in the dynamic world of social selling. #socialselling #salesstrategy #digitalmarketing #leadgeneration #socialmediastrategy #inboundmarketing #contentmarketing
Why the good is the enemy of the great
July 5, 2023 • 5 MIN
Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we delve into why the good is often the enemy of the great in the business world. As entrepreneurs and business leaders, it's easy to settle for mediocrity and become complacent with our current achievements rather than strive for greatness. This episode explores how this mindset can hold us back from reaching our full potential and achieving genuine success. By embracing a growth mindset and pushing beyond what's comfortable or "good enough," you can unlock unlimited potential in yourself and your team. #goodvsgreat #striveforgreatness #excellence #motivation #leadership
Digital transformation of B2B sales  -  what needs to be unlearned?
June 27, 2023 • 6 MIN
The digital transformation of B2B sales has been a game-changer in the business world. It has made it easier for companies to reach out to new markets and expand their customer base. However, this transformation has also highlighted the need to unlearn some traditional sales strategies. In the digital age, customers have become more informed and empowered. They no longer rely on salespeople to provide them with all the information they need. Instead, they go online to research products and services before making a purchase. This means sales teams need to unlearn the traditional approach of pitching their products and services to customers. Instead, they need to adopt a customer-centric approach that focuses on building relationships and providing value. This involves listening to the customer's needs and offering solutions instead of just pushing products. Sales teams need to unlearn the idea of a linear sales process. The digital age has made it possible for customers to engage with companies through multiple channels, and the sales process needs to reflect this. #digitaltransformation #B2Bsales #unlearn #salesstrategy #innovation #disruption #technology #salesprocess #salesautomation #salesenablement
B2B social selling framework for account managers
June 20, 2023 • 12 MIN
As the world becomes increasingly digital, how businesses engage with their customers has drastically shifted. For example, in the B2B space, account managers are tasked with building and maintaining solid client relationships. And one of the most effective ways of doing this is through social selling. Social selling uses social media to build meaningful relationships with potential customers and drive sales. However, social selling is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Instead, it requires a carefully crafted framework tailored to your business's unique needs and goals. This is where a B2B social selling framework for account managers comes in. #B2Bsales #socialselling #accountmanagement #salesstrategy #salesprocess #digitalmarketing #leadgeneration #contentmarketing
The Impact of Digital Strategies on B2B Sales
June 13, 2023 • 7 MIN
The adoption of digital strategies in B2B sales is not without challenges. Companies must invest in the right technology and tools to fully leverage these strategies. Additionally, sellers must be trained to use these tools effectively, and businesses must continuously expand their reach and streamline processes #B2Bsales #digitalmarketing #leadgeneration #customeracquisition #salesfunnel #conversionrate #ROI #salesstrategy #businessgrowth #onlinemarketing
Globalising apprenticeship experiences through remote learning
June 6, 2023 • 12 MIN
In today's globalized world, remote learning has become an essential tool to provide apprenticeship experiences to students worldwide. With technology, apprenticeship programs can now be accessed from anywhere worldwide, allowing students to gain skills and knowledge unavailable in their local communities. Remote learning also enables apprentices to interact with experts in their fields of interest and learn from the best. This way, apprenticeship experiences can be globalized, allowing students to learn from diverse perspectives and cultures. Using online platforms and video conferencing tools has allowed apprentices to receive mentorship and guidance from professionals without needing to travel to remote locations. This approach also reduces the cost associated with traditional apprenticeship programs, making it more affordable for students from all backgrounds. The benefits of globalized apprenticeship experiences are many, from expanding students' skill sets to building their confidence and cultural awareness. #remotetraining #virtuallearning #globalapprenticeships #apprenticeshiptech #skillstraining
The Art of Recruiting in the Age of Skills Development
May 30, 2023 • 10 MIN
In the current dynamic and fast-paced job market, the recruitment process has evolved into a more complex and challenging endeavour. Employers are seeking candidates that surpass traditional qualifications and possess a broad range of skills, as well as a commitment to continual self-improvement. Recruiters must adopt a nuanced and adaptable approach to hiring, ensuring that they attract the most fitting talent. One of the principal practices for successful recruitment in the era of skill development is to prioritize candidate potential over past achievements, evaluating not only their gained abilities but also their aptitude for learning and expansion. Recruiters must recognize areas where skill gaps exist and tailor their recruitment methods, such as targeted outreach to specific demographics or sectors, investment in training and development initiatives, and the application of technology to optimize the hiring process. #recruiting #skilldevelopment #talentmanagement #hiringstrategy #humanresources
How to use collaboration tools to improve apprenticeship training outcomes
May 23, 2023 • 11 MIN
Collaboration tools are becoming increasingly popular in apprenticeship training, and for a good reason. These tools can significantly enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes for both apprentices and trainers. One of the key benefits of collaboration tools is their ability to facilitate communication between apprentices and trainers, regardless of their physical location. This can be especially helpful for apprentices who cannot attend in-person training sessions due to distance or scheduling conflicts. By using collaboration tools such as video-conferencing, messaging apps, and shared online workspaces, trainers can provide their apprentices more personalized guidance and support, ultimately leading to better outcomes. Another advantage of collaboration tools is their ability to foster a sense of community among apprentices. By providing a platform for apprentices to connect and collaborate, these tools can help build relationships and encourage the sharing of ideas and insights. This not only enhances the learning experience, but also helps to create a supportive learning environment. #collaborationtools #apprenticeship #training #elearning #education #skillsdevelopment #onlinelearning #virtualtraining #teamwork #learningoutcomes
Girls in Quantum: Elisa Torres Durney driving diversity in STEM
May 16, 2023 • 25 MIN
In this episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Elisa Torres Durney - the founder of Girls in Quantum - about her journey and work towards diversifying quantum computing. During this conversation, we learned about her journey, her work, and diversifying the field of quantum computing. Girls in Quantum is an organization that aims to empower women interested in quantum computing by providing resources and mentorship opportunities. As someone passionate about promoting equity in tech, it's an honor to have Elisa on the show. For more information: - Elisa is on LinkedIn: - Girls in Quantum: #STEM #womeninscience #quantumcomputing #girlsinquantum #womenintech #girlsInSTEM #diversity #biotechnology, #stemeducation #youthempowerment
Expanding Possibilities: Overcoming Geographical Constraints for Apprenticeships
May 9, 2023 • 10 MIN
Geographical constraints have limited the traditional approach to apprenticeships. Apprenticeships were often only available to those within a certain distance from the employer or training institution. However, with the advancement of technology and the increasing availability of online resources, the possibilities for apprenticeship have expanded. Remote work and virtual learning environments have opened up new opportunities for apprenticeships, making it possible for people to learn from and work with employers or institutions anywhere in the world. This expansion of possibilities is relevant for individuals living in rural or remote areas with limited access to traditional apprenticeship programs. With the ability to connect with employers and trainers virtually, these individuals could now pursue previously out-of-reach apprenticeships. #apprenticeship #skilldevelopment #geographicalconstraints #remotelearning #workforcedevelopment
Diversity, inclusion and apprenticeships
May 2, 2023 • 11 MIN
In today's world, companies emphasize diversity and inclusion more than ever. They recognize that a diverse workforce enhances their bottom line and creates a more dynamic and innovative work environment. The key to this is attracting and keeping apprentices from diverse backgrounds. Apprenticeships offer a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain valuable skills and experience, and they must be accessible to everyone, regardless of their environment. Employers who commit to diversity and inclusion in their apprenticeship programs can help to break down barriers and provide opportunities for individuals who may not have had them otherwise. Creating an inclusive apprenticeship program requires a proactive approach. Employers should actively seek candidates from different backgrounds and make sure that their recruitment processes are free from bias. They should also provide support and training that caters to the needs of all apprentices. By doing so, employers can help to create a culture where everyone feels valued. #diversityandinclusion #apprenticeships #careerdevelopment #skillstraining #equalopportunity
Establishing Your Social Selling Persona
April 25, 2023 • 11 MIN
Social selling has become a crucial business development component in today's digital age. It's no longer enough to advertise your product or service; consumers want to engage with relatable, authentic, and trustworthy brands. This is where establishing a social selling persona comes in. By crafting a compelling online persona, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level and build strong, lasting relationships with potential customers. However, creating a social selling persona is more complex than posting pictures on Instagram or tweeting about your latest promotion. It requires a strategic approach considering your target audience, industry trends, and unique brand voice. In this blog post, we'll explore the critical elements of a successful social selling persona and provide tips on creating one that resonates with your audience. From developing your brand to curating engaging content, we'll cover everything you need to know to establish a solid online presence and boost your sales. #socialselling #personalbranding #digitalmarketing #onlinereputation #socialmediamarketing
Strategic content creation for B2B social selling
April 18, 2023 • 12 MIN
In the fast-paced world of B2B social selling, standing out among the competition and generating leads can be a daunting task. Developing a solid content creation strategy is becoming increasingly important as businesses shift towards digital marketing strategies. The right content can help establish credibility, create engagement, and drive sales. However, not all content is created equal. Creating content that aligns with your business objectives and resonates with your target audience is essential. This is where strategic content creation comes in. Strategic content creation involves: - Understanding your target audience - Identifying their pain points and needs - Creating content that addresses these concerns It also involves identifying the platforms where your audience is most active and tailoring your content to suit. Then, by creating content that provides value to your target audience, you can establish yourself as an industry leader and build trust with potential customers. #B2Bsocialselling #socialmediamarketing #leadgeneration #digitalmarketing #salesenablement #contentmarketing #relationshipbuilding #influencermarketing
How Jedsy's Drone Technology Transforms Medical Deliveries
April 11, 2023 • 26 MIN
Jedsy’s drone technology transports medical items directly from any window or balcony, making moving sensitive and time-critical deliveries more efficient and streamlined. They have already secured one of the biggest labs in Switzerland as a client and are operational in Malawi for the Ministry of Health. Also, their innovative approach to delivery services has already secured funding from early-stage investors.
Lead generation working with bus dev for B2B sales
April 4, 2023 • 4 MIN
Generating leads is essential for effective B2B sales. It involves locating prospective customers that meet the business's target profile and persuading them to purchase the organization's products and services. In addition, collaborating with business development for B2B sales can significantly expand a company's clientele and create growth opportunities. #leadgen #B2Bsales #businessdevelopment #salesenablement #marketingstrategy #businessgrowth
The social selling edge for B2B sales reps
March 28, 2023 • 3 MIN
Business-to-business sales representatives have an extraordinary chance to utilize social selling to gain a competitive advantage. Through social selling, they can capitalize on their industry expertise, contacts, and comprehension of the customer's objectives to construct an efficient prospecting campaign. This allows them to build relationships and generate leads, as well as gain greater insight into the customer's needs. #salesstrategy #socialselling #b2brepresentative #competitivesales #customerneeds #industryexpertise #socialsellingadvantage
Five things sales reps can learn from kids
March 21, 2023 • 3 MIN
Have you ever thought of how much sales reps could learn from kids? Many things come to mind, from creativity to optimism, resilience, communication and enthusiasm! Creativity is essential for any successful sales rep, and observing kids can be a great source of inspiration. Not only do they come up with ideas that are truly outside the box, but they also have an infectious enthusiasm! #salesreps #kids #communication #persistance #negotiation #learningfromkids #salesstrategy
Ground rules for collaborative writing
March 14, 2023 • 4 MIN
Have you ever thought about what it takes to collaborate successfully on a writing project? Establishing ground rules is crucial! Everyone involved must reach a consensus regarding expectations and guidelines before getting started. Indeed, it is paramount to agree on the overall objectives and aims of the venture. #collaborativewriting #teamwork #groundrules #writingtips #collaboration
Keep searching for a better way
March 7, 2023 • 4 MIN
Have you ever thought about how the world keeps transforming and that it's hard to stay up-to-date and successful? Well, it is essential to remember that the journey to success is never-ending and that it’s best to keep exploring various avenues to find the right fit for you. By testing out different strategies in this process, there’s no telling what you can achieve! #betterway #progress #discovery #growth #motivation
Importance of a customer’s backstory
February 28, 2023 • 4 MIN
The significance of a customer's backstory is something that can't be over-emphasized. Delving into a customer's motivations and needs can give businesses a competitive edge, enabling them to grasp their audience better and make more informed decisions. Taking the time to find out a customer's history can help companies create a more meaningful connection. #customerbackstory #customerjourney #customerrelationship #customerstorytelling #customervalue
Sales copy lessons I’ve learnt from “Copywriting Secrets”
February 21, 2023 • 3 MIN
I recently read Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards, and there were some valuable lessons I learnt I want to share. One of the best tips I learnt ensured that your copy is scannable. Break it into small, easy-to-read paragraphs and use bullet points for clarity. Additionally, it is a great idea to use stories, as this will help to keep your readers engaged. Finally, it is important to have a clear call-to-action throughout your copy. This will help you convert readers into customers. #copywriting #copywritingsecrets #salescopy #copyhacks #copywritinglessons #marketingstrategy
5 fixes for team indifference
February 14, 2023 • 4 MIN
Have you ever encountered a situation in the workplace when team members lack enthusiasm and become indifferent? This can be a tricky problem, as it can cause a decrease in productivity and a poor atmosphere, not to mention reducing the team's overall efficiency. But don't worry! There are a few methods that can tackle this difficulty and promote more engagement in the group. #motivation #teamwork #collaboration #engagement #teamspirit
Switch from thinking about defeat to performance
February 7, 2023 • 3 MIN
Have you ever been confronted with a seemingly unconquerable test? It's easy to become intimidated and consider giving up. However, instead of letting these pessimistic musings control you, changing your concentration to performance is essential. Performance is about taking the initiative and doing whatever you can to make progress. #mindsetshift #positivethinking #goalsetting #performancegoals #defeattodreams
Decisions — drive business growth top-down or bottom-up?
January 31, 2023 • 4 MIN
What is the best way to make decisions when it comes to driving business growth? Should decisions be top-down or bottom-up? It is certainly interesting to consider the pros and cons of both approaches, as the outcome of any successful venture can be determined by the decisions made at its foundation. #decisionmaking #strategy #leadership #bussinessgrowth #topdown #bottomup
Driving sales growth through a B2B social selling factory
January 24, 2023 • 3 MIN
Have you ever considered how driving sales growth through a B2B social selling factory could be a useful method to boost revenue? Social selling uses a business' online presence to interact with potential customers and advertise their offerings. It's an impressive way for businesses to extend their reach to the right people. #B2BSocialSelling #SalesGrowth #MarketingStrategy #DigitalAds #LeadGeneration
Tools and Resources for Social Selling
January 17, 2023 • 4 MIN
There are a wide variety of tools and resources available to help you with your social selling efforts. Many of these tools target the right audience and measure the success of your campaigns. They can also help you stay organized and maximize your time on social selling. Popular tools and resources for social selling include social media management platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) software, analytics and reporting tools, and content creation tools. Social media management platforms help you manage multiple social accounts, schedule posts in advance, and monitor engagement. Analytics and reporting tools can help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, while content creation tools can help you create engaging content to reach your target audience. With the right tools and resources, businesses can effectively utilize social selling to increase sales and cultivate lasting customer relationships.
Prospecting Potential of the Hero's Journey
January 10, 2023 • 4 MIN
The Hero’s Journey is a storytelling framework developed by mythologist Joseph Campbell that can create an epic story that people will remember, regardless of the medium. By leveraging the framework, you can craft engaging sales letters, emails and podcasts that will capture your audience’s attention and compel them to take action. This blog post narration will illustrate how to structure the story, craft your messaging, and engage your prospects.
Boost your website's lead gen power - streamline and automate with Caddie
December 20, 2022 • 22 MIN
Caddie's platform enables meetings to be booked directly from your website, facilitating a seamless connection between prospects and the sales team and helping optimize the buyer's journey. This increases lead conversion rates and shortens sales cycles, providing an improved purchasing experience and maximizing the effectiveness of your inbound SDRs/BDRs.
Unlocking employee engagement with Confetti - the startup changing corporate culture
December 13, 2022 • 31 MIN
At the Startups’ Roundtable, we meet Lee Rubin, the CEO and Founder of Confetti, a company that understands the power of teams, connection and change. Confetti facilitates meaningful team building and encourages positive transformation within organizations by delivering a range of hybrid events and experiences. The company prides itself on providing innovative experiences that are fun and engaging and should inspire and motivate teams to think differently.
Diversity, inclusion and apprenticeships
December 6, 2022 • 6 MIN
Diversity and inclusion are two of the most important aspects of any workplace today. Therefore, every company should strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed and respected, regardless of their differences. Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to promote diversity and inclusion, as they allow individuals to gain valuable skills and experience in various settings. Apprenticeships also offer a unique opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and collaborate with peers from different backgrounds. In addition, apprenticeships allow companies to gain access to a talent pool with various skills and experiences and capitalise on each individual's unique perspectives. By embracing diversity and inclusion with apprenticeships, companies can create a more prosperous, innovative, and inclusive environment for everyone involved.
Using AI to drive my B2B social selling content creation
November 29, 2022 • 6 MIN
With AI technology, businesses can stay competitive and gain an edge over their competitors in the B2B social selling space. This narration discusses how AI can drive B2B social selling content creation. We explore the benefits of using AI to generate content, how to implement it into your social selling strategy, and the potential challenges associated with AI-driven content.
How to measure salesperson performance
November 17, 2022 • 9 MIN
Sales performance is a critical aspect of any organization and can be difficult to manage. The ability to accurately measure sales performance is essential to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.
Zeely: Mobile-First Website Design and Ad Builder
November 15, 2022 • 24 MIN
Zeely is a startup that is shaking up the social selling world. Their mobile-first website and ad builder app make it easy to create and manage digital marketing campaigns from your mobile. With Zeely, you can create beautiful websites and ads optimized for mobile devices, making it easier than ever to reach your target market.
Classroom to Career: How Choizy is Opening Doors for Students
November 8, 2022 • 28 MIN
Schools are under more pressure than ever to ensure their students are workforce-aware. Many schools have implemented various initiatives to help their students identify their career paths, but one area that is often overlooked is the role of technology in this process. While technology alone cannot solve all career planning challenges, it can be a helpful tool in supporting students as they navigate their way to a successful future. And this is where Choizy has been focusing its efforts, and Oleksandr Pavlenko, CEO and co-founder, takes inside this exciting startup.
Do B2B Sales Leaders Need a Dialogue Coach?
November 3, 2022 • 5 MIN
B2B sales leaders have a lot of responsibility. They manage the sales team, develop strategies, and close deals. They must effectively communicate with their team, clients, and prospects to succeed. A dialogue coach can help them develop the communication skills they need to be successful. So often, sales leaders need to have tough conversations with clients or prospects. A dialogue coach can also help B2B sales leaders learn how to manage difficult conversations better.
Sales Conversation Intelligence: Wingman helping reps and managers close more deals
November 1, 2022 • 24 MIN
If you manage or sell for a living, you know that trying to close a deal can be a real challenge. You might have the perfect product or service, but you will only close the deal if you can connect with your prospect and have a meaningful conversation. That's where Shruti Kapoor and the Wingman team come in with sales conversation intelligence. By recording and analyzing sales conversations, you can learn what works and doesn't and use that information to improve engagement and win rate.
How B2B Social Selling Works With Sales Funnels
October 23, 2022 • 6 MIN
As the digital age takes over, B2B social selling via social media has become one of the most powerful platforms for marketing and sales. Businesses that have not yet established a presence on social media miss opportunities to connect with potential customers and build relationships. While B2C companies have been using social selling for some time, B2B companies are only now seeing the potential of this strategy. To build a successful sales funnel for B2B social selling, businesses must focus on creating valuable and relevant content for their target audience.
Privacy-First Ecommerce Personalisation through Splashup
September 20, 2022 • 26 MIN
Splashup CEO and Founder Nathalie Rafeh joined me at the Startups' Roundtable to discuss how they are helping retailers grow while handling customer data and privacy, which consumers expect and regulators demand. Personalisation, data privacy, and creating a space in retail ecommerce for your startup are a few of the topics I got to discuss with Nathalie.
Startup Mindset: How to Adapt and Thrive in an Ever-Changing World
September 13, 2022 • 24 MIN
Olga Ozerian brought to this conversation an expression of behaviours and insights that we immediately associate with a startup founder — adapting to new challenges and course-correcting to lead a team to new goals and outcomes in the face of adversity. The interesting thing is that Olga isn’t a startup founder. But she is a Learning and Development specialist who moved with her family from Ukraine through Poland to Canada and created a fresh start through a great mindset and a clear focus. This opportunity to meet with Olga inspired and educated me. Creating the Future of Customized AI Videos...from Text!
September 6, 2022 • 22 MIN
Vitalii Romanchenko, CEO and Co-Founder of, shares insights at the Startups' Roundtable on their leading text-to-video platform that allows anyone to build customized AI videos with a presenter using only text. is a deep-tech startup company with a global team of AI technology devotees. The vast majority of the employees are from Ukraine and 2 out of 3 founders.
Future Skills & Workforce Transformation with RMIT's Peter Thomas
August 30, 2022 • 24 MIN
My guest at the Startups' Roundtable is Peter Thomas, the Director of FORWARD, which is the Centre for Future Skills and Workforce Transformation, based at RMIT University in Melbourne. This podcast speaks with founders and those who form the startup ecosystem. Having Peter joining today allowed us to explore skills and workforce transformation, recognising that as the business world scrambles to adapt and reshape in the aftermath of the coronavirus, startups and their founders are not immune to this challenge. I hope you can join us.
Valla - a New Way to Get Your Employment Issue Sorted
August 23, 2022 • 28 MIN
Today I am joined by Danae Shell, the Co-founder and CEO of Valla, where they are making legal support affordable for everyone. Valla delivers the service through their new DIY platform - specifically for resolving employment issues without spending thousands on a lawyer. Danae has a technology background and has worked in several startups, giving us plenty to discuss. The Transcription Productivity Tool You Didn't Know You Needed
August 16, 2022 • 36 MIN
My guest at the Startups' Roundtable is CEO and Co-Founder Natalie Marina. increases the productivity of professionals and teams by automating online meeting note-taking and notes exchange. The app handles all the logistics of setting up and running a meeting and uses AI to track who is talking, identify important topics, and take notes.
Discover the Power of Community Commerce with Fairmart
August 9, 2022 • 22 MIN
Fairmart CEO and Co-Founder Jan Gasparic joins me at the Startups’ Roundtable to discuss how their technology and services empower communities by accelerating local commerce. They do this by building products that remove the operational complexities of running a local store. And in doing so, they support the digital transformation of small businesses, which, as we know, are the backbone of every major economy.
ConsultXperts: Trusted Marketplace for Independent Consultants
August 2, 2022 • 27 MIN
Speaking with ConsultXperts’ Jamid Dewani, CEO and Co-founder, introduced me to their innovative consulting marketplace. When finding a consultant, many people think of large firms with impressive offices and a seemingly endless list of satisfied clients. However, thanks to the internet, there is now a trusted marketplace for independent consultants. Here, you can find qualified professionals who are leaders in their field and have a wealth of experience working with clients like you. ConsultXperts allows businesses to connect with experts and get work done. Hire specialists actively looking for their next permanent or freelance challenge. So if you're looking for quality advice and support, look at this trusted marketplace for independent consultants.
The Art of Productivity: How Lodago Became a Leader in the Field
July 26, 2022 • 26 MIN
Speaking at the Startups' Roundtable with Lodago Co-Founder Ivan Grisedale allowed me to explore workplace productivity from two perspectives: 1. The step-change productivity Lodago provides that is increasingly vital in this work-from-home era. 2. How a startup creates space for their innovation in a crowded marketplace. Email is a staple in the workplace, but coordinating schedules and finding time to meet can be difficult. Lodago's email integration allows users to access a sender's availability in real-time, so they can easily find a time to collaborate. Our conversation offers insights for both workplace leaders and founders. #email #innovation #productivity #startup #workfromhome #lodago
Tabulio: Bridging the Gap Between Creatives and Opportunity - Co-founder, Chris Steve
July 19, 2022 • 23 MIN
Today's guest is Tabulio Co-founder Chris Steve. Tabulio is a professional social networking platform that allows digital creatives to connect, showcase their work, and grow their businesses. The site offers a variety of tools for users to share their portfolios, find new clients and collaborators, and earn money through its online marketplace. Tabulio is free to join and easy to use, making it the perfect tool for anyone looking to make connections in the digital creative community.
Tealet Founder, Elyse Petersen, on going from Startup to Global Supply Chain
July 12, 2022 • 28 MIN
If you're like me, you love tea. You enjoy the ritual of making it, savoring the flavor, and finding new favorite blends. In this episode, Tealet Founder Elyse Petersen joins me at the Startups' Roundtable to discuss how she has built her startup as a place for exploration and connections in global tea culture. Elyse shares lessons and experiences associated with creating a bridge between tea growers and tea drinkers through direct trade teas sourced with the utmost care and fairness to the growers and their families. #trade #equity #sustainability #supplychain #founder #tea #startup #directtrade #tealet
Fuelfinance: Ukraine, startup, customer-centricity & mindset with CEO, Alyona Mysko
July 5, 2022 • 30 MIN
Join me at the Startups' Roundtable and meet Ukraine based, Fuelfinance CEO and co-founder, Alyona Mysko. Launching Fuelfinance just before Covid introduced hurdles, but that didn't slow the team and neither has the war which has fractured their country. The challenges have hardened the Fuelfinance team's resolve as they continue to provide their cloud-based financial department for small businesses and startups that is efficient, agile, and affordable.
Regenerative Agriculture Entrepreneur & Netflix Executive Producer: a conversation with John Roulac
June 28, 2022 • 24 MIN
Today I am joined by John Roulac, a hemp innovator, serial entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, writer, and champion of regenerative agriculture. John has a wealth of business creation experience and is the Founder of Nutiva, an organic superfoods brand with $1B in retail sales. Today, he is an investor, supporter, and advisor to various companies and organizations in the "better for you and planet" sector. John is also an executive producer of the Netflix blockbuster regenerative agriculture film "Kiss the Ground," narrated by Woody Harrelson. Lots to discuss!
Growth through focus - insights from lAMRUNBOX CEO & co-founder, Kirill Noskov
August 31, 2021 • 25 MIN
What a great experience speaking with Kirill Noskov, CEO and co-founder of IAMRUNBOX, which is a company that designs for today’s commuter – that is the active commuter. Kirill shared many facets of his story, and I especially liked his tips associated with understanding the consumer.
AI-Driven Data Innovation with UniQreate Co-Founder, Kiran Kumar
August 16, 2021 • 17 MIN
In this episode, I speak with UniQreate CTO and co-founder, Kiran Kumar. UniQreate is an AI company that automates Data Extraction from documents and the web using their Intelligent Workflows and Plugins, leading to continuously improved costs, efficiency and accountability for enterprise business users.
The Future of Data Ownership - Mine makes your online privacy rights simple & accessible
August 7, 2021 • 23 MIN
To take ownership of your personal data online. Think you have it covered, or does it feel like some fanciful dream? Gal Ringel is co-founder and CEO of Mine, and uses AI to help us discover our online footprint and wrestle back control, and in the process, Mine never reads, processes, or collects the content of our emails. Gal is an accomplished leader with a rare fusion of technology (Cybersecurity, six years in the 8200 elite intelligence corps), entrepreneurship and VC experience and in this conversation, you will quickly discover that he is a strategic thinker with unique business skills. Gal strongly believes that: "Success is a management of failures" and therefore, his motto: "Do not be afraid to take risks and experience failures. This is how we learn best!" I was fortunate to have him share risks, failures and learnings on this episode.
Empowering clinicians through innovation - Amy Yu & Ventora
August 5, 2021 • 16 MIN
My guest on this episode is Amy Yu, who is a co-founder and CTO at Ventora. Their team of biomedical engineers, healthcare, and business experts are committed to setting a new standard of neonatal care. They are a Melbourne-based medical device company with a vision to address respiratory distress in premature babies. This condition remains the most common cause of death within the first year of a newborn’s life and is widespread amongst the almost 15 million premature babies born each year and exists within nearly all babies born before 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Marpipe driving ad creative with data - Founder & CEO, Dan Pantelo explains
July 21, 2021 • 27 MIN
I entered this conversation with Marpipe Founder and CEO, Dan Pantelo interested and curious about the science of personalised online advertising and left excited and educated. What works, what doesn’t, learnings and mistakes – this was an engaging insight into a world that touches each of us every day.
How PencilPay helps businesses save time & get paid faster
July 6, 2021 • 20 MIN
My deeper understanding of the PencilPay story has given me a great appreciation of the care they take to understand their customer’s business challenges and their tangible value as they streamline payments for small businesses. Co-founder and CEO, Tim Demetriou joins me on this episode and shares how they turn those insights into greater customer value and by extension, customer loyalty.
Navigating a Fintech’s COVID-era Challenges – the ChintaMoney story
June 29, 2021 • 18 MIN
In this episode, I speak with ChintaMoney CEO and co-founder, Uday Wagh. ChintaMoney is a fintech startup creating innovative solutions to serve people across the globe who do not have access to basic financial literacy and best practices. They are building a unique cash management product through payments integration and partnering with major banks.
How Cynch Security Keeps Small Businesses Cyber Fit
June 24, 2021 • 20 MIN
Cynch Security is an innovative startup that specialises in cybersecurity, and especially helping small business owners and their teams to become and remain cyber safe through a tailored cyber fitness experience. Delivering everything a small business needs to securely operate from home, at the office and in the cloud.
How a startup has prioritised in a COVID Year
June 15, 2021 • 16 MIN
Deleep Murali is the Founder and CEO of Zscore and was a guest on this podcast in April 2020. Given all that has happened over the last year, I asked Deleep to give us a window into a startup that has navigated and re-prioritised to attack in 2021.
Co-lab Pantry – a platform connecting all areas of hospitality
April 29, 2021 • 20 MIN
Co-lab Pantry is Victoria’s first and largest digital restaurant retail partner and they have created an experiential platform that brings people from all areas of hospitality together in one space. In this episode, I am joined by Co-lab Pantry co-founder, Danni Lebon who is an entrepreneur with a passion for community, food and innovation. With a background in design and business, she has worked with over 300 brands across a vast range of industries both local and globally.
7Mind is changing the world, one mindfulness habit at a time
April 21, 2021 • 19 MIN
The world's population is growing fast, and with that growth, the time we spend at work is growing as well. This leads to a lot of stress and sleepless nights. But what if you could train yourself to be more mindful and be calmer while working? This is what 7Mind tries to achieve with their app, which contains guided meditations and mindfulness exercises. In this episode, Marta Fogel, 7Mind's Head of Performance Marketing, takes us inside the thinking, adjustments, execution and growth plans in this exciting startup.
Give A Grad A Go, connecting high-growth employers with grads
April 6, 2021 • 21 MIN
In this episode, I speak with Camilla Clarke, the Australian Country Manager of Give A Grad A Go, where their recruitment and early-career experts help graduates find exciting employment opportunities. Camilla has worked as graduate recruitment and early career specialist since 2013 and is passionate about helping startups, and SMEs scale their teams. She moved to Melbourne from London to expand the business globally and support recent graduates' career prospects by connecting them with exciting high growth businesses.
Travis makes millennial & Gen Z travel planning social, visual & collaborative
March 23, 2021 • 21 MIN
Today we are talking to Nicole Tj about Travis and their plan to modernise the travel planning experience. It's making travel planning visual, social, and collaborative - it's the future of travel planning.
Salesflare CEO Jeroen Corthout on growth & overcoming startup challenges
February 24, 2021 • 24 MIN
Jeroen Corthout is CEO and Founder of Salesflare, where they provide a sales productivity platform for salespeople that helps small and medium businesses close more deals with less effort. Besides being a CEO, Jeroen is also a former account manager and joined me at the Startups' Roundtable podcast to share his views about sales, the importance of sales tools, and the future of sales technology.
Syncio helps retailers scale - explained by CEO & Founder, Jimmy Zhong
February 17, 2021 • 17 MIN
Today I'm joined by Jimmy Zhong, the CEO and Founder at Syncio whose mission is to take commerce to its next stage - to Collaborative Commerce. This is Jimmy's third start-up, and he shares experiences and reflections from his Founder's journey. Also, he takes us inside Syncio to share on-the-ground realities, especially as we live through our life and work adjustments of this Covid era.
Pioneers & Visionaries - growth insights & practices with Dr Irène Kilubi
February 8, 2021 • 24 MIN
Today’s guest is Dr Irène Kilubi, founder and managing director of "brandPreneurs &brandFluencers" where she supports pioneers, visionaries and change-makers in the three subject areas of Community Building, Corporate Influencer Strategy and Connecting GenXYZ. Irene’s experiences and passion for growth is a perfect formula to get us started into 2021.
Empowering women to thrive in the workplace - WORK180 & Valeria Ignatieva
January 1, 2021 • 21 MIN
Valeria Ignatieva is Co-CEO and Co-Founder of WORK180 which was created with a mission “To empower every woman to choose a workplace where they can thrive.” WORK180 connects women with progressive employers by pre-screening companies on the amount of paid parental leave, pay equity, flexible working and much more. Transparency around these policies is driving incredible change; on average, once every three weeks a WORK180 Endorsed Employer improves a policy or benefit. Valeria’s relentless focus on diversity, inclusion, and social impact made this an interesting conversation.
Simplified data privacy compliance using AI & ML - the Harpocrates story
December 17, 2020 • 23 MIN
Harpocrates simplify data privacy compliance. Co-founders Jan Jensen and Martin Förster have a goal to make data privacy compliance easy for business people, developers and privacy professionals to jointly build the future. Their motivated team is working with the most cutting edge technology to help companies become and remain compliant with privacy laws on a global scale. They are changing the way privacy is both seen and managed globally while artificial intelligence and natural language processing are always improving their knowledge and keeping them in step with new trends.
Founders from Pencil & Marpipe - a rich & generous sharing of experiences
December 8, 2020 • 24 MIN
This conversation has its roots in 2 separate episodes of this podcast. On Episode 3, my guest was Tim Demetriou, who is a co-founder of Pencil, where they help small businesses control their trade credit. At the end of our recording, Tim and I discussed having a founder from another startup as a guest in a future episode to generate conversation from the perspective of different startups. On Episode 7, I was joined by Dan Pantello, the founder of Marpipe, where they use the power of data to improve the performance of ad creative for their customers. Tim and Dan bring passion, experience and generosity in equal portions, and it delighted me that they would agree to this 3-way conversation. It doesn’t take long to recognise the value of being able to eavesdrop on a conversation between founders in different markets, trying to solve similar problems.
Diversity, inclusion & innovation - NetApp's startup program for female founders
November 19, 2020 • 19 MIN
Today it was a great pleasure to speak with my friend and work colleague Madhurima Argawal. We both work at NetApp, where she is a Director of Engineering Programs and Leader of NetApp’s Excellerator, which is a startup accelerator about to start its seventh cohort. In this conversation we will explore the startup program and I am most excited to talk with Madhurima about NetApp’s new ExcellerateHER program which is a startup program for female founders.
FemCare & FemTech innovation - lessons shared by Linda Wonneberger
November 11, 2020 • 20 MIN
Today my guest is Linda Wonneberger, who is founder and CEO of Comfexy and the inventor of the Linda bra. Linda is challenging the status quo of the female health market. She has a strong desire to disrupt the FemCare/FemTech industry by offering innovative solutions and education around female health. Into her third startup, Linda has recently co-founded another FemTech company which will develop a medical connected device within the field of genital prolapse and incontinence.
Startup School for Seniors - brilliant lessons & insights from Suzanne Noble
October 29, 2020 • 22 MIN
Today’s guest is Suzanne Noble who is a serial entrepreneur currently working on a solution to help homeowners over 50 'age in place' and reduce social isolation by matching them with compatible long-term lodgers called Silver Sharers. Also, Suzanne has launched the Startup School for Seniors which is an 8-week eLearning course for unemployed Londoners, aged 50+, with the desire to start their own business. If you think we have plenty to cover in this conversation, you’re exactly right.
Female founders, financial equity & growth - Kelsey Morgan's decade of advising startups
October 21, 2020 • 19 MIN
Today’s guest is Kelsey Morgan, and she is a startup advisor for women leaders, and the founder of her growth advisory firm, K. Morgan & Co. As you will hear in this conversation, Kelsey is working towards financial equity for all, through the sustainable growth of impact-driven companies.
Salary Packaging startup - financial wellness & digital innovation with GO Salary
October 14, 2020 • 22 MIN
Speaking with GO Salary co-founders, Tony Vitacca and Ben Markovic at the Startups’ Roundtable gave me the opportunity to hear about their depth of experience in the salary packaging space and how they have applied that background to create their own business. Their experience and focus are specifically on the not-for-profit sector and “wellness” is their mission.  Bringing a holistic approach to salary packaging is discussed and lessons learnt are shared during this conversation.
AI delivering business value: innovation & market-making lessons from VAPAR
October 6, 2020 • 19 MIN
Today, we get to meet Amanda Siqueira, who is a co-founder and CEO of VAPAR, which is an AI tech startup, automating asset management for utilities and local councils. This conversation with Amanda takes us down the path of emerging tech in an early-stage startup that innovates to reduce the negative impact on neighbourhoods and city blocks when pipes unexpectedly break. When you least expect it! They have AI producing lead indicators to proactive delivery and continuity of utility services. If you have ever heard people challenge the quantifiable business value of AI, then this is the startup that will reset their thinking.
Insurtech startup massUp - lessons on focus and global growth
September 29, 2020 • 21 MIN
Today I am joined by Fabian Fisher, who is the founder and MD of massUp, which is an insurtech startup delivering a one-stop solution for online sales of specialty insurances. Fabian has over 20 years of experience in digital production, marketing and communication and especially in Automotive, Insurance. These experiences gave us a rich backdrop for our discussion.
Increased Wordpress security & speed - Strattic is a lesson in differentiation
September 24, 2020 • 24 MIN
Miriam Schwab is Co-Founder & CEO of Strattic, a serverless publishing solution for WordPress websites that makes them more secure, faster and scalable. In this episode, Miriam takes us through Strattic's technology and business model differentiation in the WordPress world. The lessons are many and include the importance of technical depth combining with business savvy, but never in isolation to a connected understanding of the customer.
WiFi security innovation - insights from Tracie Thompson, CEO of HackHunter
September 10, 2020 • 25 MIN
Tracie Thompson is a co-founder and CEO of HackHunter and they protect organisations from malicious WiFi networks. To hear this story is to understand how deep experience and insight can translate into a unique product. What you may find of great interest, is to hear Tracie explain how, where and why they pivoted from their original go-to-market and in doing so, found a niche that has scale. B2C shifting to B2B - it is a wonderful part of the HackHunter evolution.
Entrepreneurship masterclass through impact strategy - Laura Francois & The Spaceship Academy
September 3, 2020 • 21 MIN
Laura Francois is a Co-Founder of The Spaceship Academy which is an online entrepreneurship masterclass taught through impact strategy, to enable more entrepreneurs to solve for the Sustainable Development Goals by aligning the entrepreneurs' life purpose and the global challenges we face collectively. Laura is also a founding member of Open Door Policy, a not-for-profit focussed on upskilling marginalized communities that lack access to traditional employment, such as refugees and stateless people, for remote digital employment. With a focus on collaboratively designing systems for sustainable development while leveraging the startup ecosystem, philanthropy and the creative economies, we had a lot to explore in this conversation.
Helping premature babies breathe - innovation at Ventora Medical
August 18, 2020 • 21 MIN
When helping premature babies breathe is your purpose, and your pathway is to empower clinicians through innovation, there must be a number of cultural and process experiences to share at the Startups’ Roundtable, and that is exactly what Amy Yu, the CTO at Ventora Medical did for us on this episode. Amy is a biomedical engineer with a passion for problem solving, innovation and engineering and from her perspective as a co-founder of Ventora Medical, she talks about the founders journey and the bridging of health, technology and business.
Full Stack Cold Outreach Platform - & B2B pipeline growth
August 11, 2020 • 22 MIN
In this episode, I am joined by Sushant Shekhar, who is the founder and CEO of who takes me inside their full-stack cold sales outreach platform. Specifically, he explains the process, research and roadmap decision behind their solutions, including LinkedIn Automation, Email Leads, Automated Cold Email Sequences. As all sellers are working overtime to generate new pipeline, it was great to get this fresh perspective from Sushant.
Cyber fitness for small business - Cynch Security is meeting a pressing need
August 5, 2020 • 24 MIN
Cynch Security’s Co-Founder and CEO, Susie Jones, joins me at the Startups’ Roundtable to discuss how the Cynch team is finding ways to support small businesses protect their livelihood from cyber risks. These small businesses are some of the most at-risk and underserved parts of today’s economy, despite being the backbone of every society, which makes the Cynch Security story timely and of great interest.
Mental Health & Millennials - avoiding burnout with Journify
July 28, 2020 • 28 MIN
Lamia Pardo is the founder of Journify - the audio-first app designed for millennials.  The app allows users to record voice notes on the go, organize them with tags and comments, and track their burnout score. Already, 7 in 10 millennials are suffering from burnout, and the World’s Health Organization estimates this is costing companies a total of $550B in productivity losses. This is a problem needing to be solved, and Lamia takes us inside the Journify evolution and shares data that is shaping their go-to-market.
AI-powered insights on employee morale - the Teamworki mission
July 22, 2020 • 27 MIN
Teamworki is built to help companies solve pain points and empowering teams and on this episode of the start-ups roundtable it was my pleasure to speak with Diego von Söhsten who is a co-founder and the CEO. At Teamworki, Diego’s on a mission to help teams build alignment and psychological safety by leveraging their product generated AI-based insights on team morale and potential blockers. Diego is in charge of product strategy and marketing/demand gen and he shared details around their design and feedback processes.
Building a world-class business on resilience, mission & passion - leadership lessons from Daniella Boutros
July 14, 2020 • 22 MIN
I experienced an incredible level of generosity in this conversation with Daniella Boutros, founder and CEO of Buttercreme Lane, which is famous for the most amazing cakes. Daniella provides real-life experiences and motivations that started as a 16-year old with dyslexia who left school to chart her own course. Daniella shares stories and experiences, including the origins of her journey, that leave no doubt as to her resiliency.  Her encouragement to embrace life’s challenges and make something from the experience is well beyond rhetoric. I know you will agree once you have had the change to meet this amazing leader.
BindiMaps enables the vision-impaired: learnings from a non-technical founder, Dr Anna Wright
July 8, 2020 • 19 MIN
BindiMaps is changing the lives of people with vision impairment by enabling them to navigate public spaces independently and safely, and it was a pleasure to speak with Dr Anna Wright who is the CEO and co-founder of BindiMaps on this episode of the Startups’ Roundtable. Anna developed the idea for BindiMaps after undergoing years of major surgery to save her eye-sight, and in this conversation, she shares valuable experiences and perspectives from ideation through to a completed funding round.
Connecting sponsors & communities in realtime - streamlined by SportsCube
July 1, 2020 • 23 MIN
SportsCube is a two-sided marketplace that streamlines the connection between rights holders and sponsors, and it was fantastic to speak with Jackson Dickfos, who is a co-founder of SportsCube on this episode. Leveraging technology to understand, access and bring value to an audience was always going to be part of our conversation, but Jackson also highlighted the people and community dimension of what SportsCube is creating.
Go-to-market & scaling - advice for startups with Inder Singh
June 24, 2020 • 22 MIN
Getting to the critical thrusts of go-to-market and scaling with Inder Singh took us down some surprising avenues.  Inder brings business development experience from within large corporates and has now blended that with his own startup experience to help other founders. He brought valuable insight and pragmatism to this conversation.
FlipTix is changing the face of experiencing events - CEO, Jaime Siegel explains
June 18, 2020 • 27 MIN
FlipTix has created its own brand of business value when it comes to selling tickets to fill vacated space at a wide range of events. I was pleased to have FlipTix CEO Jaime Siegel join me to discuss their innovative way of maximising the number of customers experiencing an event and by extension, venues maximising revenue.
Launching "The Interview Master Deck" to support post-COVID-19 job seekers
June 10, 2020 • 24 MIN
With coaching and mentoring being such crucial elements of a startups support structure, it was great to have Aggie Pulfer as my guest on this episode of the start of the round table. Aggie’s professional life is coaching and mentoring individuals and groups to enhance performance, improve processes and achieve successes in business, career and life.  In addition, Aggie has launched a Kickstarter program (The Interview Master Deck) which has her working both sides of the startup experience – helping startups and being one herself. Her interesting intersection of experiences set us up for a great discussion.
Gender equity and creating a culture of innovation and inclusion - a conversation with Kit Krugman
June 3, 2020 • 25 MIN
I spoke with Kit Krugman during the height of the COVID-19 Quarantine about gender equity and creating a culture of innovation and inclusion. Its importance has never been greater and I was delighted to welcome Kit Krugman as my guest on this episode of the Startups’ Roundtable where we covered these topics and much more. Kit is the Head of Organization & Culture Design at co:collective where she works with organizations to turn belief into behaviour to build more inclusive and innovative cultures and this extends to her role and personal mission as the Global Executive Director at Women in Innovation (WIN).
From Startup Health to Mental Health with Milan Steskal
May 11, 2020 • 26 MIN
Joining me on this episode is author, mental health advocate, entrepreneur and mentor, Milan Steskal who offers thoughtful advice for startups, including those commencing their journey.
Sales - from recruiting to scaling - "For Startups" shares lessons and insights
May 5, 2020 • 27 MIN
On this episode I speak with Ali Baker who is the founder of "For Startups" and she works with founders to help them scale, with a focus on building B2B sales teams, developing commercial strategies and recruiting.
Financial fitness with ChintaMoney - a co-founder's fintech journey
April 29, 2020 • 28 MIN
If ever there was an interesting time to speak with a fintech startup, it is now. Uday Wagh is a co-founder of ChintaMoney, which is a proactive budgeting tool merged with open banking & payments (UPI) and in this episode, he gives us a look inside his 3-year journey.
Getting small businesses paid on time - Pencil has a mission & insights
April 19, 2020 • 26 MIN
In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Tim Demetriou, who is a co-founder of Pencil, which is a new business in the FinTech sector. Pencil is a platform that helps suppliers and distributors manage their trade accounts, and Tim generously shared his startup experiences and insights.
Market-making insights - the Zscore experience
April 11, 2020 • 26 MIN
My guest on this episode is Deleep Murali, Founder and CEO of Zscore. Zscore is an AI-driven, next-generation data management company that helps their customers extract business value and competitive advantage from data by improving the quality of existing data and partnering with their customers to sustain the business benefit.
A founder's story behind Listle - a fresh listening experience
April 4, 2020 • 24 MIN
Listle is an exciting startup delivering fresh audio content and in this conversation, we get a glimpse behind this innovative company, including insights into the customer influence on their product strategy.
Startups' Roundtable - trailer
March 8, 2020 • < 1 MIN
An introduction to my new podcast - Startups' Roundtable - which is launching on 29 March 2020 when I will ask my guests to share their successes and bumps in the road, to help the rest of us make better decisions, innovate faster and do this with lower risk. I hope you can join us.